updated news, I now have 3 free ebooks for you to download!

ok friends this is the deal, this month I have launched THREE ebooks so far this month, they are free to download, so hurry over to your download store and get them, so the deal is you download them and you give me a truthful review!

1. nothing in this world is free, just poetry!



2. Just For Christmas.



3. 12 volts of eccentricity



ok the first free e-book is not really a collection of poetry but it is an introduction to my paperback works, hoping that giving you a free taste of these books you will eventually buy the whole poem! the second book was written in record time about christmas, a couple of poems to show you what I have done at christmas , past present and future, and yes the dodgy artwork is mine! The third book has 12 poems all about how crazy we are as the human race, some of my poems are actually quite good!

so I have been busy, so it is down to the readers to show me some love, with comments, votes and hopefully downloads!